A citywide "Summer clean-up campaign 2020" took place in Lutsk

On June, 13, 2020 a citywide "Summer clean-up campaign 2020" took place in Lutsk. On Saturday, lots of Lutsk residents brought together to take part in an important and useful initiative - tidying up parks, squares, recreation areas, riverside areas and other locations in Lutsk.

Among the participants there were the representatives of the city authorities - Secretary of Lutsk City Council, Acting Mayor Hryhorii Pustovit, First Deputy Mayor Hryhorii Nedopad, Deputy Mayors Kostiantyn Petrochuk and Iryna Chebeliuk, Advisor to the Mayor Ihor Polishchuk, deputies, staff of the City Council, Regional State Administration, Regional Employment Center, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, teachers and students of sports centres and schools and other institutions, enterprises and organizations of the city.

“Unfortunately, because of the quarantine, we could not hold a clean-up in the spring, before Easter. But we have done it in the summer. And although there is less garbage in parks and squares than in previous years, there is still a lot of it. I would like to thank to the all active participants”, said Ihor Polishchuk, Advisor to the Mayor.
“We all want to see our city clean, tidy, cozy. Every year more and more people join this citywide event. This is a good tradition that has developed over the years,” said Hryhorii Pustovit, Secretary of City Council, Acting Mayor.
"Summer clean-up campaign 2020" was held in different locations of the city. For two days its participants cleaned 18 polluted with garbage areas - Lesia Ukrainka Central Park of Culture and Recreation, Park of 900th Anniversary of Lutsk, All Volyn Saints Church square, Teremnno ponds, riversides of Zhydivka river in LPZ district, observation deck on Hirna Street, Styr river floodplain slopes, site near the premises of "Harmyder angar-stage", located on Zaliznychna Street, the estate of Gabriela Zapolska on the territory of Prylutskyi Starostynskyi District, Maidan Heroes Square. By joint efforts, Lutsk residents cleared a large part of the riversides of the Styr River from garbage.