A new basketball court has been solemnly opened in Lutsk

Sport plays a key role in achievining greater longevity, it teaches to succeed and overcome obstacles. Lutsk City authorities are trying to encourage city residents to lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, health and personal success of every resident of Lutsk increases the prestige of the city, ensures its happy future.

Оn July, 16 First Deputy Mayor Hryhorii Nedopad, Deputy Mayor Kostiantyn Petrochuk, Deputy Mayor Iryna Chebeliuk and Advisor to the Mayor Ihor Polishchuk solemnly opened a new basketball court on Hlushets Street in Lutsk. The court with a polyurethane coating will be used in playing such sports as badminton, volleyball and basketball. The cost of the works amounted to over UAH 1 million.
After the ceremony the volleyball teams of Complex children's and youth sports school as well as the badminton players, demonstrated their skills to the spectators.