A step towards the implementation of a new international project

A new project "Two towers mysteries: promotion of the historical heritage of Lutsk and Lublin through innovative technologies" is going to start in Lutsk. On August 20 Lutsk City Mayor Ihor Polishchuk signed a Grant Contract with the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy of Republic of Poland, which is the Managing Authority of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 and will finance its implementation.

Aimed at promoting the monuments of the Old Town, the project will continue the large infrastructure project "New life of old city: revitalization of monuments of historical and cultural heritage of Lutsk and Lublin" that is already being implemented.
One of the main activities of the project will be development of a mobile application which enables scanning the icons placed on Lutsk architectural monuments and activating virtual animated 3D characters with interactive functionality (listening to stories about historical sites, myths and legends, clothing, etc.). Specially designed icons of ancient family coats of arms, logos, etc., which will interact with the mobile application, will be placed on the historical monuments.

In addition, it is planned to produce a joint promotional video to promote the historical and cultural heritage of Lutsk and Lublin, to hold an online round table on "Life in medieval and early modern cities of Lutsk and Lublin" and to develop a popular science e-booklet "Everyday life of historical Lutsk and Lublin".
Grant for Lutsk – 33 093,00 EUR.
Co-financing from the budget of the Lutsk city territorial community – 3 677,00 EUR.