Central heating points will be modernized under the joint project of Lutskteplo and the EBRD In Lutsk
On February, 17 2022 a contract on the modernization of central heating points was signed between Lutsk City Council and the contractor, the winner of the tender - a Geyser Consortium. The Consortium includes companies ENCOM (Czech Republic, leader), Ukrainian Nuclear Devices and Systems (Ukraine) and DAN Power Equipment Plant (Ukraine). Richard Benda, Chairman of the Board of ENCOM, visited Lutsk to sign the agreement.

Lutsk city mayor Ihor Polishchuk noted that this would be the next stage of the project, which was being implemented together with the European Bank. Tens of thousands of Lutsk would benefit from the results of its implementation.
Among the works which have already been completed under the project are replacement of boilers and modernization of boiler houses. Also, in order to save energy the pumps have been replaced. In conditions of drastic growth in the cost of electricity, this allows to save significantly and reduce the financial burden.

In addition, with the help of grant funds, more than 250 heating points have been installed in apartment buildings in the city which are already showing results today. The next step is the modernization of central heating points, most of which were built a long time ago and need reconstruction. It is expected a significant improvement in the quality of service provision and a reduction in the financial burden on consumers.
According to Ivan Skorupskyi, director of Lutskteplo, the project will save the company UAH 2.5 million a year by reducing electricity costs and UAH 10 million a year by decreasing maintenance costs. Payback is 10 years.

As part of the project, the contractor will design, supply, install and put into operation central heating equipment at 48 sites, including the replacement of heat exchangers, pumps, frequency converters, heat and water meters, fittings, pipelines, control and alarm systems. Term of work - 12 months.