In 2020 Lutsk Will Officially Celebrate 935th Anniversary

And every important event is preceded by careful preparation before its celebration. The history of Lutsk is so fascinating that even if we tell about the most interesting facts and events, it will take a long time. With this in mind, the Tourism and Promotion Department of the city has prepared a new column with a selection of interesting facts about the history of the city - «Lutsk from А to Z». It will present interesting facts about Lutsk in small portions for each letter of the alphabet and will acquaint you with the past and present of the city. The column will be posted on the pages of the Department in the social networks Facebook and Instagram.
Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the millennial history of our Lutsk has different tastes, and the events will contain unusual combinations of circumstances and consequences.
So, let's "taste" the history of the city together. It tastes no less than Easter delicacies, but not as high in calories. We look forward to your likes, comments and shares under each post. Let's start already!