Installation of the first "smart" bus stop in Lutsk has begun

Lutsk City Council together with the Lippe District (Germany) is implementing a joint project "Introduction of ecological and smart technologies in public transport of Lutsk City". This project provides installation of 9 "smart bus stops", a digital display public transport timetable, solar panels, a charging point for cell phones, outdoor lighting, separate garbage bins, city lights and a video surveillance camera.
On January 15, the installation of the first such bus shelter began at the bus stop "Central Department Store".
In addition, the project involves the purchase of a server to store information from CCTV cameras, development of the Strategy on improving the public transport and transport infrastructure in Lutsk City territorial community until 2025, creation of a site with information about public transportof in Lutsk City territorial community, holding trainings for Lutsk electric transport company and so on.

The project is funded in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany through Engagement Global gGmbH and the Service Agency Communities in One World, under Nakopa Programme. The amount of grant funds is UAH 6,541,000, and co-financing from the community budget is UAH 1,014,660.