Lutsk City Council has successfully completed the implementation of the international project on thermal modernization of public institutions

On October 19, 2021 the meeting on summing up the results of the implemented project on energy efficiency of public buildings took place in Lutsk. Among the distinguished guests who visited the event there were: Amund Baitnes - NEFCO Investment Director, Tobias Tiberg - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Ukraine, Eric Svedal - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Norway to Ukraine, Kateryna Stasiuk - Lead Manager of the Eastern European Partnership for Energy and Energy - SWECO consultant.

In the introductory speech Lutsk City Mayor Ihor Polishchuk noted that the cooperation with NEFCO was inevitable due to heat over consumption caused by heat loss in houses with unrepaired facades, roofs, worn windows and doors. That problem was extremely severe in educational, cultural, sports buildings, including – kindergartens and schools.
The project has enabled the reconstruction of 34 buildings subordinated to thirty communal institutions. In half of them new individual heating points with regulation of heat consumption according to weather conditions have been installed, and in some thermal insulation of heating pipes has been updated. Therefore, the implementation of the project already has a significant environmental, economic and social benefit. In general, thanks to the project, Lutsk in the future, according to experts, will save up to 17 million hryvnias a year on energy.

The project "Energy efficiency in public buildings of the city of Lutsk" is currently one of the largest in Ukraine. It includes insulation of roofs and facades of buildings, replacement of kitchen equipment in schools, replacement of windows and doors, installation of ITP, insulation of pipes.
Norwegian Ambassador Eric Swedal emphasized that the energy sector is key to the Ukrainian economy and energy saving is an area in which Norway is eager to share its experience.

This is significant to our city, as since 2016, electricity tariffs have doubled. Therefore, the implementation of the project allows the city to save about 30% of the cost of electricity by reducing energy consumption and also dwindling carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, the project also has an environmental and social effect.
In general, the financial cooperation within the project of the Lutsk municipality and European partners was as follows: 9.5 million euros - total funding, 5 million euros - a loan from NEFCO, 1.3 million euros - a grant from E5P, 2.8 million euros - the city of Lutsk, 0.4 million euros - technical assistance for the preparation and implementation of the project from Sweden.
The implemented energy efficiency project in Lutsk is the third NEFCO project in cooperation with E5P. It includes heat supply, water purification, and energy efficiency of public buildings.
At the end of the meeting Lutsk city Mayor Ihor Polishchuk awarded certificates of appreciation for project implementation assistant to NEFCO Investment Director Amund Beitnes, Swedish Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ukraine Tobias Tiberg, Norwegian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ukraine Erik Svedal, Lead Manager of Eastern European Ecology and Environmental Policy for assistance in implementing the project. SWECO consultant Gunnar Bark.