Lutsk City Council is working on traffic improvement in the city

On the 5th of February a "round" table headed by Mayor Igor Polishchuk on traffic improvement in the city of Lutsk took place in the City Council. At that meeting specialists of the Department of Construction and Civil Engineering of Lutsk National Technical University presented a comprehensive traffic scheme they were working on within the project "Improving the safety of cross-border road infrastructure of Chełm and Lutsk" of cross-border cooperation program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

Lutsk City Mayor Igor Polishchuk noted that compared to 2015-2016, the number of vehicles in the city had increased five fold, in addition, a lot of transit transport ran through the city, so acute necessity in improving the situation on the most problematic sections of roads and streets had appeared.
The development of a comprehensive traffic scheme is being carried out under grant funds. It will help reduce traffic congestion and make travel through the city more comfortable and with minimal time for both private and public transport.

The participants of the "round" table also discussed the location of public transport stops in the city, building new road connections, adding extra road lanes, the development of bicycle infrastructure, creating parking lots in the central part of the city.