Lutsk is Working on the Problem of Air Quality Control

For four years Lutsk and nearby villages had suffered from the stench caused by the filtration fields (treatment facilities) of PJSC “Gnidavskyi Sugar Plant”, which dumped the waste of Biopek LLC - molasses bard.
During 2019 the Lutsk City Council received about 14,000 appeals from citizens regarding intolerable living conditions.
On July 23 last year, public hearings on the situation were held in the Palace of Culture in Lutsk; a resolution was adopted, one of the requirements of which was to install air quality control devices on the border of the sanitary protection zone of the filtration fields of PJSC “Gnidavskyi Sugar Plant”.
Lutsk took part in the All-Ukrainian competition of socially useful innovative digital projects based on open data with the project “Clean Air” and entered the final part together with the city of Poltava and Kolomyia.
The winner will be determined by voting.
In case of victory, it will be possible to create a platform for automatic data collection and monitoring of air quality by the Lutsk City Council to obtain objective data on air quality for all necessary indicators, taking into account research results regarding economic activities in the city, construction of housing and public facilities, green building and landscaping, the arrangement of the road network, and as a result people will breathe fresh air.
The digital solution provides: a web platform for automatic data collection from pollution sources with an analytics module; a chatbot for residents, which reports on the level of pollution and, if necessary, provides advice on preventing negative effects on the health of city residents, as well as receiving messages from citizens about the unsatisfactory state of the air (stench, specific odor, etc.). This solution can be scaled to other cities that have similar problems.
We ask everyone who cares about the quality of the environment in Lutsk to vote for the project from Lutsk “Clean Air”.
Link for voting:
Voting will last until 16 March 2020 (until 11:59 p.m.)