Mayor Ihor Polishchuk met with representatives of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Lviv

On October 27, 2021 Lutsk City Mayor Ihor Polishchuk, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation and Project Activities Department Anna Vintsiuk met with Consul General of the Czech Republic in Lviv David Novy and Consul of the Consulate of Czech Republic in Lviv Vladimir Kadlets.The participants discussed the preparation of the PROPED project, in the frame work of which a delegation from Lutsk City Council is going to visit the Czech Republic from November 22 to 26, 2021 to get acquainted with the production of buses and trolleybuses and management of modern public transport.
In addition, the guests were acquainted with the experience of implementing international projects in the city of Lutsk, in particular - the project to revitalize the Chortoryiskich tower and its underground complex.
At the end of the meeting, the Mayor and the guests exchanged memorable gifts and agreed on further cooperation.