The German weeks took place in Lutsk
From 5 to 23 October 2020 the German Weeks took place in Lutsk. The event was held within the framework of the Project of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine "German Weeks in Lutsk 2020: United in Europe - 30 years of German Unity".
The project was implemented by the Department of Culture of Lutsk City Council together with the DAAD lectureship of Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University (DAAD Wolhynien) and the public organization "Society of Germans in Volyn" (Wolyniendeutscher Verband).

The main goal of the project was to popularize the idea of Ukrainian-German unity, European values and strengthen the cooperation with German partners.
Within the framework of the German Weeks 10 events were organized: a photo exhibition of Dmytro Heger's works, an instrumental music flashmob, a photo quest "German Pages of Lutsk", an exhibition of Harry Ruff's paintings "Churches of Ukraine", an exhibition of Halyna Nevinchana-Martin’s graphics, work shop "Traditional German embroidery", binational photo exhibition "Free Europe", competition-exhibition of works of art „United in Europe. Germany. Ukraine.", round table " Germany and Ukraine - common and different ", TV bridge: Lutsk - Lippe Region (Ukraine-Germany) with the participation of students of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, concert-competition of modern German music with participation of local bands and individual performers „LutskMusicVision». In total, about 150 participants took part in the project.
To prevent COVID-19 contagion most of the events took place online.

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