Webinar "How to start your own business in Ukraine: online tools and opportunities for entrepreneurship" has been organized in Lutsk City Council

On June 26, 2020, in the assembling hall of the Center for Administrative Services in Lutsk a webinar “How to start business in Ukraine: online tools and opportunities for entrepreneurship” was held via Zoom platform. The event took place at the initiative and organizational support of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development and Advertising of Lutsk City Council in cooperation with the Better Regulation Delivery Office and Lutsk City Employment Center.
The event was held under implementation of the Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Support Program in Lutsk for 2019-2021 and on the basis of a Memorandum of Cooperation on the project "Start Business Challenge" in Lutsk, signed between the Better Regulation Delivery Office and Lutsk City Council.

The webinar addressed the issues of starting a business in Ukraine, in particular: online tools and opportunities for entrepreneurship with the presentation of the Effective Regulation Platform PRO, online state information service Start Business Challenges, the Center for Entrepreneurship Development of Lutsk City Employment Center, and forms of state financial assistance to entrepreneurs introduced for the quarantine period.
With EU funds under the FORBIZ Project and the EU4Business initiative, the cards with step-by-step instructions on permits which are required to start a business have been developed

The webinar was attended by representatives of about 30 small and medium-sized businesses of Lutsk, representatives of vocational and higher education institutions, deputies of Lutsk City Council, representatives of Lutsk City Employment Center and NGOs.