Safe sewerage for healthy environment: cross-border solutions of Lutsk and Białystok

Project name: “Safe sewerage for healthy environment: cross-border solutions of Lutsk and Białystok”
Number: PLUA.01.03-IP.01-0033/23
Donor: EU, Interreg NEXT Programme Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027
Lead partner: Municipal Enterprise “Lutskvodokanal”
Partner: JSC “Białystok Water Supply” (Wodociągi Białostockie Sp. z o.o.)
Project budget: 2,663,100.00 EUR
Grant for Lutsk: 1,192,069.80 EUR
Grant - 90%, co-financing from each partner - 10% each
Activities for Lutsk:
1. Modernization of sewage collector in Lutsk:
reconstruction of 1,994.6 m of the pressure sewer collector from 1A Karpenko-Karyi Street to the intersection of Heroiv UPA and Lypovetska Streets, including the replacement of two sewer lines with a total length of 1,994.6 m:
1.1. Replacement of 1,528.2 m of pipes using the open cut method: dismantling old pipes, laying 10 cm of sand base, installing new polyethylene pipes.
1.2. Replacement of 466.4 m of pipes by rehabilitation method in the areas where pipes pass under the roads and railroad lines: cleaning old pipes from corrosion deposits, installing new polyethylene pipes in the cleaned old ones. This method of rehabilitation allows to avoid destroying the road and railways.
1.3. Installation of cameras in the modernized pipes.
2. Purchase of a vehicle-based tele-inspection of pipelines: the equipment allows to observe and diagnose the processes that occur inside pipes and wells, as well as use a video camera to conduct a complete inspection of the sewer collector.
3. Creating an EcoSpace for water management:
purchase of a frame tent dome;
purchase of fencing;
purchase of 4 information boards;
purchase of a projector and touch screen;
purchase of 30 chairs, 3 tables and other equipment for the EcoSpace.
4. Development of a multimedia guide, electronic product (application) featuring tests to raise awareness of water management.
5. Creation of the project logo, development of 3 electronic posters for social networks, promotion of the project products in social networks, production of promotional materials, printing of information materials as leaflets and posters.
6. Participation in a scientific and technical conference and training in Białystok, study visits to enterprises in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw.
Activities for Białystok:
1. Modernization of a sewer collector in Białystok (reconstruction of 521.5 m of the sewer collectors in Białystok near the Biała River).
The works include the modernization of sewer collectors with a total length of 521.5 m using the trenchless method with the technology of sealed fiberglass coupling, strengthened by UV rays or LED lamps:
1.1. Modernization of reinforced concrete sewer pipes with a diameter of 1800 mm, consisting of five sections with a length of 485.5 m (from chamber to chamber): 20.5 m, 121.5 m, 111.5 m, 110 m, 122 m.
1.2. Modernization of reinforced concrete sewer pipes with a diameter of 600 mm and a length of 36 m.
1.3. Modernization of 4 sanitary chambers measuring 2.4 x 3.5 m, one chamber measuring 4.5 x 4.5 m and another chamber measuring 2.2 x 3 m.
2. Purchase and installation of equipment for measuring the amount of wastewater in sewer collectors with data transmission to the SCADA system.
3. Holding an open-air event for children "Sewerage is not a garbage bin".
4. Organization of a scientific and technical conference and training in Bialystok, study visits to enterprises in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw.
5. Organization of a training on monitoring the condition of the sewerage network using a teleinspection system in Bialystok.
Presentation: Safe sewage for healthy environment: cross-border solutions of Lutsk and Białystok