Wild life in a big city: protection and promotion of wild nature and biodiversity in Lutsk and Rzeszów

Project title: “Wild life in a big city: protection and promotion of wild nature and biodiversity in Lutsk and Rzeszów”
Project Acronym: WildInCity
Number: PLUA.01.03-IP.01-0033/23
Source of financing: EU, Interreg NEXT Programme Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027
Programme website: pl-ua.eu
Project budget: 1,333,676.01 EUR
Lead Partner: Executive Committee of Lutsk City Council (Ukraine)
Project Partner: Gmina of Rzeszów (Republic of Poland)
Budget for the activities in Lutsk: 1,135,755.95 EUR
Grant for the activities in Lutsk: 1,022,180.36 EUR
Budget for the activities in Rzeszów: 197,920.06 EUR
Grant for the activities in Rzeszów: 178,128.06 EUR
Project implementation period: 16.09.2024-15.09.2026
Project overall objective:
To enhance protection and promotion of wild nature and biodiversity in Lutsk and Rzeszów by implementing cross-border solutions of renovating the nature sites and raising environmental awareness.
Project description
The partner cities aim to tackle the challenge of poor biodiversity in urban areas. This results from lack of conditions to preserve wild nature and foster biodiversity, insufficient care and knowledge of inhabitants about wild nature and biodiversity.
The project partners will improve protection and promotion of wild nature and biodiversity in the cities by implementing cross-border solutions such as renovation of the nature sites and raising environmental awareness. In Lutsk, creation of a natural park on the bank of the Styr River is planned by transforming an abandoned site into an attractive area, which will be used for educational purposes. In Rzeszów, many activities will be carried out to protect old oak trees and ensuring biodiversity in Lisia Góra nature reserve (Poland). The nature reserve will be adjusted to the needs of the residents for the purpose of environmental education.
The project also includes a range of educational and promotional activities aimed at different target groups including the production of puzzles, board games, quizzes and conducting green picnic in Lutsk. To enhance capacities of the cities in nature protection and preservation, a conference of experts will be organised in Rzeszów. Moreover, a concept for preservation of nature sites, reserves and territories of the Emerald Network in Lutsk will be developed.
The project will have a positive impact on flora and fauna. Local communities will benefit from living in greener cities, with more opportunities for using the recreation area.
Scope of activities in Lutsk
1. Renovation of nature site in Lutsk - creation of natural park on the bank of the Styr River:
Removal of invasive species of trees, planting variety of grasses, trees and bushes to create a natural lawn.
Creating rain channels along the park territory with bridges.
Arranging wooden and gravel paths.
Arranging swamp area, pier at the river, hedge along the territory, green class for conduction of educational lessons.
Installing filters on tubes for rainwater on the park territory to clean the rainwater coming form the city centre and the road above with high traffic;
Arranging the territory with benches, bins, lighting.
Arranging an educational route-quest with stands along the territory.
2. Development of Concept for preservation of nature sites, reserves and territories of the Emerald Network in Lutsk with participation of 3 experts from Rzeszów.
3. Cross-border brain quiz on knowledge about nature, the Emerald Network and Natura 2000 for high school students from Lutsk and Rzeszów aged 15-17:
1 semifinal in Lutsk for 38 teams;in Lutsk for 38 teams.
4. Educational cross-border campaigns:
Development of puzzle for children aged 4-5 years with images of rare, endangered animals and plants, which need to be protected;
Development of a board game for school children with maps of Rzeszów and Lutsk nature sites, reserves, territories belonging to Natura 2000 and Emerald Network.
Development of 3 electronic posters with information about nature sites, reserves, territories belonging to Natura 2000 and Emerald networks for social networks, 3 articles on municipal websites.
5. Green Picnic and project wrap-up in Lutsk: Open air discussion, educational tours on the Styr River on kayaks and SUP-boards; workshops for children on making bird feeders, painting houses for birds and hedgehogs.
6. Visibility actions:
Development of the project logo, campaign design.
Production of joint project video.
Production of promotional materials for participants of the cross-border brain quiz, conference, Green Picnic.
Production of commemorative boards for the nature site in Lutsk.
Scope of activities in Rzeszów
1. Renovation of nature site in Rzeszów - protective measures in Lisia Góra nature reserve:
Development of inventory for Lisia Góra reserve including trees and all other forms of vegetation.
Development of a detailed plan of works in the Lisia Góra nature reserve based on the prepared inventory.
Protective measures in Lisia Góra nature reserve: removal of invasive plants, maintenance and sanitary pruning of trees, bush cutting, other works.
Modernization of the existing educational path along with renovation of the escarpment fence and marking of the pedestrian route in the "Lisia Góra" reserve.
2. Kick-off meetup in Rzeszów.
3. Conference of experts “Best practices of preservation and development of natural sites, reserves and territories of Natura 2000 and Emerald Network” in Rzeszów.
4. Cross-border brain quiz on knowledge about nature, the Emerald Network and Natura 2000 for high school students from Lutsk and Rzeszów aged 15-17:
1 semifinal in Rzeszów for 32 teams;
the final in Rzeszów for the winners from Lutsk and Rzeszów.
5. Educational cross-border campaigns:
Development of an online quiz about knowledge of nature sites, reserves, territories belonging to Natura 2000 and the Emerald Network and their inhabitants.
6. Visibility actions:
Production of promotional materials for participants of the cross-border brain quiz, Conference of experts, online quiz.
Production of commemorative boards for the renovated nature site in Rzeszów.
Effects of the project
The Project will strengthen a more than 20-year partnership cooperation of Lutsk and Rzeszów, will contribute to the cities development as nature caring and nature friendly, will strengthen the foundation of cooperation in the sphere of natural heritage, preservation and development of nature sites, protection of wild nature and biodiversity.