"Project for the reconstruction of the central heat supply system in the city of Lutsk" (in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
- loan agreement between the State Municipal Enterprise "Lutskteplo" and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated 24 October 2014 (operational number 40858);
- guarantee, reimbursement and project support agreement between Lutsk City Council and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated 26 December 2014 (operational number 408580);
- grant agreement between the State Municipal Enterprise "Lutskteplo" and Lutsk City Council and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development dated 24 October 2014 (operational number 408580).
Total project cost: 16 million EUR
EBRD loan: 10 million EUR
Grant: 4 million EUR
Co-financing from the local budget: SME "Lutskteplo" 2 million EUR (including VAT)
Project objectives:
1. Reduce CO2 emissions by 30,218 tonnes per year.
2. Save 13,218 thousand tonnes of gas per year.
3. Save 2,997 thousand kWh/year of electricity.
Main project activities:
1. Installation of a boiler on alternative fuel.
2. Elimination of inefficient basement and adjoining boiler houses with their subsequent reconnection.
3. Replacement of outdated boilers.
4. Installation of about 200 individual heat points in residential buildings in the railway station district of the city.
5. Replacement of burners of existing boilers.
6. Installation of new pumping units with frequency regulation.
7. Re-equipment of central heating stations with replacement of heat exchangers.
8. Replacement of block networks with pre-insulated ones.
9. Installation of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
Current status of the project:
Lot No. 1 "Installation of individual heating substations in residential buildings". The works under this lot include projects development, supply of equipment and materials, installation, commissioning and launching 7 IHS with a DHW (Domestic Hot Water) module within the service area of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd heat districts and IHS without DHW modules in 247 buildings within the service area of Zavokzalnyi heat district No. 3. The source of heat energy is boiler houses located at Karbysheva Street 2, Zahorodnia Street 3A, Koniakina Street 24K and Arceulova Street 3A. The estimated period of work completion is 18 months after the contract signing.
A tender was held. The winner is AMARC DHS srl (Italy) with a price of 2,741,485.95 EUR. The preparation of technical specifications for 50 residential buildings, where IHS will be installed, has begun.
On 02.09.2019, the Contractor received a 20% downpayment in the amount of 548,297.19 EUR.
The initial design data is currently being prepared. During the heating season, the Сontractor needs to prepare design and estimate documentation for all facilities and start to supply equipment.
Lot No. 2A “Elimination of inefficient and prohibited boiler houses (basement, adjacent ones)”. The works on the lot have been completed. The project envisages the liquidation of 7 basement boiler houses with reconnection of consumers and replacement of 4286 metres of pipes. The cost of the works is 688 thousand EUR. The facilities have been put into operation.
Lot No. 2B “Reconstruction of boiler houses”. The project involves the replacement of 20 boilers, outdated energy-consuming pumping equipment, chemical water treatment equipment and installation of energy (heat, gas and water) metering units at 12 boiler houses.
The contract was signed on 31 May 2018. The Contractor is ENERTEX (France).
The contract value is 1,695 thousand EUR.
The dismantling of old boiler equipment is currently in progress at the boiler house at Kovelska Street 68B. There has been completed the installation of heat generating equipment at boiler houses at Makovskogo Street 2K; Tarasova Street 17B; Volodymyrska Street 1C; Zavodska Street 3A; Kotsiubynskogo Street 9A.
Lot No. 3A “Replacement of burners”. The project envisages the installation of new high-efficiency burners (38 pcs.) with combustion process automation on 19 boilers in 10 quarter boiler houses, replacement of ventilators and smoke exhausters as well as installation of frequency regulators to save electricity and gas.
The first stage of the tender was held, tender proposals were opened.
Lot No. 3B “Replacement of pumping equipment”. The project team is collecting baseline data for this lot and preparing tender documents.
Lot No. 3C “Modernisation of central heating stations”. The project envisages the installation of new plate heat exchangers, regulators, pumps as well as preparation of equipment for automatic operation at 47 district heating stations. Currently, the PIU is collecting baseline data for this activity.
Lot No. 4 “Reconstruction and replacement of district heating networks”. The works have been completed. The project provides for the replacement of heating networks with pre-insulated ones (3,191 m of pipes).
Lot No. 5 “Reconstruction and replacement of district heating networks”. The works have been completed. The project envisaged the replacement of heating networks with pre-insulated ones (3,942 m of pipes).
Lot No. 6 “Alternative fuel boiler for the boiler house at Bozhenka Street 32”. The works have been completed. The project provides for the installation of a 5.0 MW biofuel (wood chips) boiler at the boiler house at Bozhenka Street 32 with the equipment of a fuel (firewood) storage facility to provide GPZ district of Lutsk with hot water during the non-heating season. The cost of the works is 1.23 million EUR (750,000 EUR grant + 480,000 EUR loan).