Promotion and protection of the natural heritage of urban rivers and bank areas of Rzeszów and Lutsk
Project objective: to raise awareness about the condition of water bodies, promote natural heritage among urban population and increase the tourist appeal of both Lutsk and Rzeszow.
Number: PBU3/1085/20
Donor: PBU Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Lead partner: Executive Committee of Lutsk City Council
Partner: Rzeszów City Administration Donor: Implementation period: 01.09.2021–28.02.2023
Total budget: 61 700,00 EUR
Grant for Lutsk: 28 827,00 EUR
Co-financing from the local budget: 3 203,00 EUR
Main activities in Lutsk:
1. The information pier on the Styr River in Lesya Ukrainka Central Park of Culture and Recreation has been repaired and equipped. Six gabion benches, lanterns, trash cans and a mini-amphitheater for educational and recreational activities were installed on the pier.
2. The natural heritage sites of Lutsk have been marked: the Styr, Zhyduvka, Omelyanyk and Sapalaivka rivers.
3. A cross-border environmental picnic has been held, where scientists, experts and public activists shared best practices, experiences and plans for spatial planning, preservation and promotion of the urban natural heritage, including rivers and bank areas. The picnic also included kayaking and sport fishing competitions, quests for schoolchildren and walking tours around the city.
4. A series of awareness-raising sessions on natural heritage resources and environmental stewardship have been held for preschoolers.
5. During a study visit to Rzeszów, representatives of the executive bodies of the city council, NGOs, experts in the fields of ecology, natural heritage preservation, spatial planning and tourism from Lutsk had the opportunity to learn from the experience of colleagues from Rzeszów, as well as see the results of the Polish partner's project, namely 2 flower meadows near the Wisłok River.
Main activity in Rzeszów:
Designing and planting of 2 flower meadows near the Wisłok River in Rzeszów have been carried out, namely in Rzeszów Park of Culture and Recreation and near the Lisia Góra Nature Reserve.