Joint search for new solutions in municipal services: organic waste management in Lutsk city territorial community
Project name: “Joint search for new solutions in municipal services: organic waste management in Lutsk city territorial community”.
Donor: The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, represented by the non-profit “Engagement Global” LLC / Service Agency “Communities in One World”.
Name of the programme within which the project is funded: "The Partnership Projects for Sustainable Local Development - NAKOPA 2020".
Main partner: Kreis Lippe (Germany).
Partner: Executive Committee of Lutsk City Council.
Project budget: 310,500.89 EUR
Grant: 292,573.71 EUR
Financial contribution of Lutsk City Council: 66,330.00 EUR
Project implementation period: 15.03.2021-29.02.24
Main activities:
1. Equipment for leachate treatment at the landfill has been purchased and installed in the village of Brishche.
2. Composters for schools in Lutsk Сity Territorial Community (20 units) have been purchased.
3. The Organic Waste Management Strategy has been developed.
4. A trip of waste management specialists from Lutsk Сity Territorial Community to Kreis Lippe has taken place.
5. Information campaigns on organic waste management in Lutsk Сity Territorial Community have been carried out.
Joint search for new solutions in municipal services