Two Towers Mysteries: promotion of the historical heritage of Lutsk and Lublin through innovative technologies
Project objective: to increase the number of visitors to the Old cities of Lutsk and Lublin as places of high concentration of historical heritage, strengthening their interest in monuments by a new cross-border and innovative tourist product.
Donor: PBU Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Lead Partner: Executive Committee of Lutsk City Council
Partner: Municipality of Lublin
Activities budget in Lutsk: 36 770,00 EUR
Grant for Lutsk: 33 093,00 EUR
Co-financing from the local budget: 3 677,00 EUR
Main project activities:
Creation of the mobile application «Two Towers Mysteries» - an interactive tourist game, a virtual quest with augmented reality elements that presents the history of the city and its attractions to residents and tourists. The app is compatible with Android and iOS and is available in Ukrainian and English. Users scan special icons placed next to the monuments with their mobile camera and activate virtual storytellers (animated 3D characters) in their gadgets.
The «Two Towers Mysteries» mobile application features locations in two cities. In Lublin, app users can travel back in time via audio stories that reproduce the sounds of medieval Lublin. Special effects include crowd noise, horses' hooves, and battle sounds.
The project includes an online round table «Life in the medieval and early modern cities of Lutsk and Lublin» with participation of a range of people interested in history and local history. The main objective of the event is to unite the efforts of scholars at the cross-border level to develop a joint study that reveals the topic of everyday life in medieval and early modern Lutsk and Lublin.
Creation of the Polish-Ukrainian popular science booklet "Everyday Life of Historic Lutsk and Lublin". The booklet is posted on the Lutsk City Council website and other web resources to target a wider audience.
Launch of a promotional campaign for Lutsk and Lublin. Creation of a video that tells about the innovative tourist route and encourages people to visit the partner cities. Additionally, quest maps and collectible souvenir magnets were produced to encourage people to visit all the locations along the route.
The promotional video facilitates the popularisation of the virtual augmented reality quest in Lutsk and Lublin, namely the newly created app "Two towers mysteries", as well as encourages potential tourists to visit both Lutsk and Lublin in order to complete all the locations of the quest and mark them on the map.