67 anniversary of the liberation of Lutsk

944 days Luck was under Nazi occupation. 36 000 servicemen were killed and Lutsk.February 2, 1944 troops of the first guards Zhytomyr Cavalry Corps under the command of Lieutenant-General Baranov swift kick captured the city of Lutsk. Every year on this day Memorial grateful descendants come to pay tribute to the liberators.
Held on February 2 meeting-requiem with Lutsk Mayor Mykola Romaniuk, DeputyHead Kurylyuka Alexander, deputy head of regional council Valentine Winds,veterans and the public of the city. They observed a minute of silence liberators killedand laid flowers at the eternal flame.
Mayor Mykola Romaniuk, addressing the audience, said: "Honoring the memory ofthose who value their lives, protect our city, we express deep appreciation for theexemplary example of invincibility of the human spirit, wisdom, strength ofconvictions, balanced actions that are worthy of emulation by all times and allgenerations. "